Quality and Environment Policy

Integrated Quality and Environment Management is essential to the activities carried out by our company.

The guidelines, commitments and general objectives of Quality and Environmental for both companies are embodied in this integrated Policy that has been defined by the General Management.

Within the company Integrated Management System, the General Management undertakes to:

  • Meet the needs and expectations of relevant stakeholders, including customers, property, workers, and the environment.
  • Ensure the protection of the environment through the sustainable use of natural resources and the efficient use of energy, optimizing the use of raw materials and promoting good practices in waste reduction, reuse and recycling.
  • Evaluate the environmental impacts caused by our activity throughout the life cycle of its products, in order to prevent, eliminate or reduce them, preventing the impacts from being transferred to other stages of the life cycle.
  • Guarantee and supervise compliance of the legal requirements, as well as other requirements that the organization subscribes to on a voluntary basis.
  • Establish and promote channels of internal and external communication with the relevant parts that are adequate and effective.
  • Guarantee adequate information, awareness, and participation of all our employees in the management and development of the integrated system.
  • Establish the Company's aims for each year based on the general objectives defined in this policy and aligned with the organization's strategy.
  • Assign the necessary human and material resources to achieve the proper implementation and evolution of the Integrated Management System.
  • Establish and align the entire organization, through this policy, on the priority of satisfying customer requirements, as well as applicable or voluntarily subscribed legal requirements.

All these commitments are carried out to achieve the following General aims:

  • Establish the Safety and Health of our workers as the highest priority of the company.
  • Grow sustainably to maximize the use of our assets, so that we improve our profitability.
  • Strengthen our position in the market as a benchmark in quality, service and cost in the aftermarket, with maximum flexibility in the car and commercial vehicle range.
  • Continuously optimize our competitiveness, with the maximum focus on reducing the cost and impact on the environment.